Campaign for National Parks launches ‘All I want for Christmas…’ fundraising appeal

  • Contributor information: CNP

Campaign for National Parks has launched an ‘All I want for Christmas…’ campaign which looks at what National Parks in England and Wales need to deliver for People, Nature and Climate. We need your help to carry on our important campaigning work this festive season.

As we approach the end of another challenging year, we find ourselves in a much stronger position thanks to your ongoing support. It’s remains a critical time for National Parks and we will continue campaigning to protect and improve these vital landscapes. 

A critical time for National Parks

Climate change has dominated our work but there is still so much to be done to ensure our National Parks are better protected and able to fully support People, Nature and Climate. Our small dedicated team has been working hard to ensure climate change in National Parks has the visibility it needs through reports, responses to consultations and engagement with politicianscollaboration with other environmental and access charities; and annual schemes such as Park Protector Awardsphotography competition and #NationalParkNewPerspectives bursaries.

We can’t do it without you

Campaign for National Parks Chief Executive Rose O’Neill said: “The coming year will be critical to securing real change with the Government in England planning new legislation and plans for a new National Park planned in Wales. Together, we will be working to hold Governments to their commitments, to ensure National Parks have the powers, resources and management needed so that these beautiful and inspirational places are enjoyed and valued by all. We can’t do it without you.” 

Five ways you can support Campaign for National Parks this Christmas:

If you’re on social media, please look out for our ‘All I want for Christmas…’ campaign where we’re sharing some wishes for National Parks for the future and encourage you to share yours with the hashtag #CNPXmas21 and support our fundraising appeal.

Thank you! Your support means everything to us. 

Photo: Peak District in winter by Simon Walkden