End water pollution in National Parks
Iconic freshwater sites in National Parks are enjoyed by millions every year, but although they look the very image of perfection under the surface lies a dirty secret – pollution.
We’ve been campaigning for National Parks for over 80 years
Iconic freshwater sites in National Parks are enjoyed by millions every year, but although they look the very image of perfection under the surface lies a dirty secret – pollution.
We’re campaigning to save our National Parks in 2024 the 75th anniversary of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act.
The 2024 general election is right around the corner here are five ways that you can stand-up for National Parks at this election.
Use our online form to send a message to your representative to demand action for nature in National Parks.
If you care about protecting nature and tackling climate change in our National Parks then help us create a better future for nature in National Parks.
Tackle the nature emergency and support nature-friendly farming.
We have been campaigning since 2013 against plans to build the world’s largest potash mine in the North York Moors National Park.
We have been campaigning to stop the cuts to National Park Authority funding throughout 2015.
The Lakes 2 Dales campaign aimed to secure extensions to the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales National Parks