Our work
We are committed to promoting the protection, conservation and enhancement of National Parks in England and Wales for public benefit.
Help us end water pollution in National Parks
Derwent water, Sgwd Gwladus Waterfall, the Bure, River Meon, Aber Falls, Windermere – all iconic freshwaters in National Parks enjoyed by millions every year, but under the surface lies a dirty secret.
Every single water body in England’s National Parks is polluted. Every river, pool, lake and stream in these highly protected landscapes have been damaged and degraded through sewage spills and chemical contamination, endangering the health of species, people and entire ecosystems. Only 1 water body in Welsh National Parks meets the highest standards we expect from these landscapes.
We’re fighting for wilder National Parks for all, so when you walk along a river or wild swim in a lake the water is teeming with life and not with dangerous bacteria. This summer, the time when many are navigating our waterways, exploring the shores of our great lakes or perhaps taking the plunge in their favourite National Park, could you show your support for National Parks and help to fund our crucial work to clean up National Park waterways?
At Campaign for National Parks we’re working hard for clean water protections across all our National Parks. For far too long, water companies and regulators have largely neglected and ignored National Park status, and it is time that they recognise this international nature designation. It will be impossible to conserve and enhance wildlife and the natural beauty of the Parks without urgent action on water.
We are calling for strong clean water protections, with legally binding requirements to clean up the lakes, rivers and streams within National Parks. Government, regulators and companies should be required to prioritise National Park waters and take all action necessary to ensure these waterways achieve at least Good Ecological Status by 2027, with High Status achieved in iconic sites such as Lake Windermere and the Broads.
Your donation will help our work to clean up National Park waterways.
Bamford Edge, Peak District © Kieran Metcalfe
Join us as a Friend today and help us secure a wilder future for National Parks
We are committed to promoting the protection, conservation and enhancement of National Parks in England and Wales for public benefit.
Leaving a gift in your will can have a transformational effect on our organisation. Your gift can help ensure National Parks thrive for future generations.
Details of our current campaigns and how to get involved. List of our past campaigns with updates.