Mosaic Young Champions shortlisted for National Parks Volunteer Awards

We’re absolutely delighted that three of our Mosaic Young Champions have been shortlisted for the UK National Park Volunteer Awards in the Young Individual Category.

Karl Epps, from the New Forest; Ollie Barnett, from Exmoor and Adam Philip-Philips, from the Lake District have all been recognised for doing extraordinary work in National Parks. As a wheelchair user, Karl has played a vital role in ensuring that more National Park events are all-inclusive, demonstrating an incredible level of energy and enthusiasm. Ollie has been instrumental in planning events and recruiting more young people to get involved in the project. Despite Adam having to travel two hours on public transport to attend volunteering events with our Mosaic project in the Lake District, he has managed to volunteer for over 100 hours. Congratulations to them all!

“Every year, we look at the Volunteer Awards short list and think, ‘This is amazing. This is as good as it gets,'” said National Parks UK Director Kathryn Cook. “Then the next year comes along, and again we are floored by the exceptional quality of entries. All the individuals, projects and groups nominated for this year’s Volunteer Awards are truly inspiring. Putting together the 2015 short list sparked a lot of heated discussion amongst our short-listing panel.”

We are extremely proud of all our Mosaic Young Champions and hope that the overall winner will enjoy their prize of fantastic outdoor gear from Merrell.

Notes to editors

For media inquiries, please contact our Communications Officer Gemma Rogers,

See the full list of shortlisted volunteers at