Mosaic project officer Paddy put in charge of the Northumberland National Park Youth Cabinet

Our Mosaic project officer Paddy, has recently been put in charge of developing the Northumberland National Park Youth Cabinet, comprised of Mosaic champions as well as other young people from all over Northumberland.

The purpose of the youth cabinet is to enable young people’s voices to be heard in decisions that the National Park Authority is making. Whilst still in its early stages, the cabinet has already been involved in feeding ideas to the National Park Authority’s new management plan and will be sending representatives to leadership team meetings. This will ensure that the experiences of young people are taken in to consideration at the top level of decision making.

On Sunday 6th December, Paddy and members of the youth cabinet braved floods and freezing winds to go out to Walltown Country Park, an area owned by the Northumberland National Park Authority. They looked at how the site could be further developed to increase its potential to cater for young people, school groups and the public.

After the tour, avoiding flooded paths and bogs, everyone got together in the shelter of a cafe to go through some of the ideas they had come up with after being inspired by the trip. Suggestions ranged from electric cycle hire to indoor training spaces.

The ideas have now been collected and will feed into the development plan which is currently being drafted. The cabinet will get back together in the New Year to review the completed plan when it has been put together.