Disappointment that individuals are to be allowed to receive cash payments for agreeing to fracking
We’ve very disappointed that individuals are to be allowed to receive cash payments for agreeing to fracking
Late last year the Government voted to allow fracking under National Parks. This was very disappointing news as we do not think that hydraulic fracturing should be allowed in the parts of our country that have the highest level of protection. It also means that although there are restrictions on fracking from the surface of National Parks, these areas could still be affected by decisions made on fracking outside their boundaries.
Yesterday came the news that prime minister Theresa May is going to allow private individuals to receive cash payments if they live near sites used for shale gas exploration.
Ruth Bradshaw, our policy and research manager said, ”It’s completely inappropriate to offer household’s cash incentives as it makes it harder for those opposed to fracking proposals in their area to argue against them. We’re concerned that this will lead to less emphasis being placed on the negative environmental impacts when decisions are made on fracking and could lead to more proposals which affect National Parks.”